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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Students and the Fourth Amendment

I am against drug testing in schools because of the invasion of personal privacy.I do not think that the school should act like parental figures. If the school only drugs tests the athletes it shows that there only concern if those who are representing the school ,which is wrong because a a school should care for all the students. Pointing out a group of athletes that need to take drug tests can turn many students away from having a sport after school. The school should be putting more money the the sports so the students have a more options to choose drugs or sport. Wasting money on drugs testing will limit the amount of students that will choose to do a sport even if these students are or are not doing drugs. From the information used in class the amount of money that would be spent on buying and testing drugs tests would be outrageous and should be used towards promoting sports.If one of the athletes is found doing drugs they would repeatedly need to be tested which involves more money for follow-ups.  If the students were pushed to do sports because there are so many opportunities and enjoyment out of them they would help students to choose sports over drugs.When Mr.Kramer said Deerfield would start doing drug tests for athletes and clubs many people thought that there would be less numbers in our athletics and clubs. I believe that students would choose not to do clubs and activities because there is that risk that teachers find out or friends parents find out that your drug test didn't pass. I believe that in Deerfield many people are worried about there image and what students do on there spare time is completely different then how they work in school.

After reading the Ruling In ACLU Case Is Vindication of Students' Constitutional Rights my opinion has been strengthened because of the way the schools are handling certain situations. Having a young girl who is an Honor Roll student being accused of having aspirin on her and then strip searched because a source that was unreliable claims she has them. Schools are out of line and do not realize that students walking into the school still have rights that need to be protected. It is sad to know that this girls pain was caused by people who are suppose to protect her not embarres her. It was said ,"Today's ruling affirms that schools are not constitutional dead zones. While we are disappointed with the Court's conclusion that the law was not clear before today and therefore school officials were not found liable, at least other students will not have to go through what Savana experienced." Students have rights and they need to know what rights they have because schools are not understanding whatt rights they have either. I am glad that the law is now clear to the school's that word of mouth is not a reliable source to strip search a young girl. After reading about this case I am glad to know that the rights I have will carry into my school and that the school will make mistakes, but learn the rights that they have.