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Monday, November 8, 2010

Death Penalty

I do not believe in the death penalty because a human should not be able to take away someones life. If someone has killed what lesson is being taught by killing another person. Clifford Boggess killed two people and by killing him how is that punishing him. Boggess was born into a troubled house hold having a mother who was an addicted and him having an unstable living arrangement. Boggess witnessed as a young child physical and mental abuse. He was surrounded by conditions that were not suitable for a child. Being at a young age habits and characters form that have stayed with him throughout his adult years. I do believe people can change because as time goes on knowledge is gained. Life is about giving people chances and growing to be a better person we must accept those who put forth an effort to change a life. I do not believe Boggess has fully changed into a better person. He is immature when speaking to the interviewer by jumping around certain questions and not focusing on the main points. Boggess know what he did was wrong and can speak about it ,but it does not mean that he is fully understanding that he is mentally unstable.Boggess life as a Christian seems to have the main beliefs. The bible can only give so many guidelines and stories. To be a true Christian he needs to act the way Jesus would act. Jesus made mistakes , but he still knew when certain situations were truly discouraging. Throughout Boggess art the painting and drawings have changed as he has grown with the bible. He went from dark painting to a softer paintings. Boggess is not the same person as he once was , but that does not mean he is healed from his sins. The families that were affected by Boggess murders could feel closure by knowing this man is dead and is not able to harm anyone else. The feeling that Boggess is alive can haunt a family knowing that his mind is still wondering through his disgusting thoughts. Boggess can read, write, draw, and talk with others because he is alive which can be considered unfair to the victims' families. Justice will never be fully served because of another mans death. The death Penalty takes another life and doesnot bring one back.