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Monday, March 21, 2011

Race in America

The issue of race has been a problem in America for centuries and continues to be an issue in the  current day. Many Americans act as they are oblivious to race discrimination even though many are witnesses,victims, or instigators. The article I read was "Trying not to raise racist kids." My first thoughts were why would someone purposely go out of their way not to? Isn't it taught in all homes that everyone is equal and skin doesn't matter. The bases of kids grow up on the simple rules to be nice to everyone and share, yet kids grow up learning to speak up and share their opinions. Raising a child to speak their voice involves adults watching their mouths. Being an adult with many children around their should not be inappropriate language, but it is difficult to pretend that all thoughts are politically correct. Adults having "hidden biases" need to help learn and grow with the child they are teaching to be open to the world.Parents need to openly talk about race and tell their kids that different races are all accepted and it is okay to talk about it. Not talking about race is worse for the child because they will only hear snippets of inappropriate and correct ways to talk about race giving them mixed messages. The next article I read was called "Behind the Scenes: Black and shopping in America." A black women tells her story about shopping with her friends dressed nicely, but were detained for suspicious of shoplifting. Police found no stolen merchandise with the women, yet the women did not receive an apology from the managers of the store of the police after being falsely accused of stealing. This is an obvious situation of discrimination and should not be tolerated. The fact that the police were not able to apologize or address the situation as it was is extremely troubling to me because police are supposed to defend and protect all those who are innocent. This event would have never happened to a white person because racism still exist today and the only way to stop it is if we address it. Black and whites need to exchange stories and speak up of incidences that they experience. Coming together and speaking out loud will help the problem of racism so it wont need to be a problem.

Mock Trial Recap and Response

In the first trial that was presented in the classroom I agreed with the juries decision because it was an exact case of sexual harassment. Elyse Roberts never had problems with her job because she was new at the office and was ready to work. Throughout the days at the office she was repeatedly harassed by her male coworker Kevin Murphy. Elyse's performance at work became a problem because she was unable to focus and keep control of the work loud. The distractions from Kevin affected her not only in the office, but outside too. She took off many sick days because she was feeling up to seeing Kevin's face and what he had to say to her. The office made her switch to a different bureau because she was unable to handle the work, but Elyse felt that this was a demotion even though there was no salary change. Kevin Murphy was a jokester in the office and was aware they he made fun of Elyse on multiple accounts. He knew it frustrated Elyse when he would make inappropriate comments and enjoyed her reactions when she would shut him down. The outcome would have been different if the defense mention sexual harassment and not just a case of demotion. 

In the second case, I agreed with the juries decision because I do not believe that this was a case of rape. Susan and David were in a relationship for many years on and off and they had sexual intercourse during  periods of their relationship. Susan admitted to enjoying David kissing her and touching her why else would she be dating someone if she did not love and care for someone. David was unable to read her mind confusing him because she was so hot and cold throughout the night. The jury was not involved in their relationship throughout the years , but I would believe that two people who are dating would talk and communicate with one another about sexual an physical acts. Susan was clearly jealous of David talking to other girls and this was the only way she could really get him back.I would like to have heard from the other side the facts and proof that she was raped she was two faced and needed to get her feelings and thoughts straight instead saying it was rape. Susan should have talked about her emotions and how she figured out she was raped and what her relationship with David is.

Connecting two this issues can be hard as of right now while in high school , but once I get into college and get a job I could experience situations like these. I believe I have learned a lot about what needs to be said and proof needs to be shown. In Deerfield High School many jokes are made throughout the days and some people get hurt, but no one usually stands up and says something Hopefully this will teach others to watch what they say because in the end it could come back to have major consequences.Every action has a consequence and every joke has truth.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

State of the Union Speech

After watching The State of the Union I realized that Obama is trying to the best he can by speaking about the facts and issues that America needs to solve and conquer. America is the audience and during The State of the Union those who were there and those who watching on their TVs felt a different atmosphere than usual. The parties who were usually separated by Democrat and republican were mixed among each other. The overall mood was changed into a joining of America making sure that in the end America is one. Obama created a speech that spoke of the actions that will be accomplished to make America a better place. He spoke of the future and how together we can grow stronger and move forward. Obama believes we can make America better, but it will take time. Obama did not talk about the job market in the United States, which is a main problem today. Many hard working people of the United State have been put out of work for months and are struggling to find ways to make the money they once had. Obama should have addressed this issue more because the people in America should come first. Another important topic, education was discussed for improvement. Today many school are failing to keep up with the curriculum bring the young adults and students in America behind from the rest of the world. Other countries are growing in education and are taking the lead in many big business and technology aspects. Education is the most important thing a person can have and the fact the Americans are falling behind brings the country behind. American’s have the right to learn and should take ahold of it.

What's Going on in the World?

In Wisconsin a big question that many people are wondering what will happen if the federal government shut down? Wisconsin has taken a stand to protest what they believe is fair and equal in their state. The state is torn between democrats, republicans, students, and workers. The citizens feel that their rights and opportunities are being taken away because the limited number of the once tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs are gone. The hard working citizens have been pressured to take the pay-cuts and work just as hard without the benefits they once had. Wisconsin is one of many suffering states going through a tight money spot because the lost of jobs and benefits and strong politics came from," ...A pioneer in supporting organized labor, had set of a debate that is spreading to other states over public worker, inions and budget woes." (Union Bonds in Wisconsin Begin to Fray) The protest has taken place in Madison the capital of Wisconsin where many students and workers disagree with the proposed cuts. Many of the workers have taken on longer shifts and harder days because the money is not coming in. Watching the video "Protesters Rally Again in Madison" shows how strongly the citizens feel about their state and their once loved jobs. Many of the workers and students feel they are being pushed around if this bill passes. The citizens will do whatever is takes to makes sure that what is decided is fair and equal for all. They feel strongly about what is going on because finally they have the chance to stop what has been happening in their state. Changes in Wisconsin have been seen as negative to the citizens and need something to change. On the other side of the argument, Democrats have felt they have been the targets through all of this because they have felt they have made decisions to better the state. The Democrats were so uncomfortable that they fled the state the day of the decision making. Someone or something needs to make the decisions that will better the state for the good of the people not just the government. America is about creating equality and that is what the citizens of Wisconsin are trying to do.