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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

State of the Union Speech

After watching The State of the Union I realized that Obama is trying to the best he can by speaking about the facts and issues that America needs to solve and conquer. America is the audience and during The State of the Union those who were there and those who watching on their TVs felt a different atmosphere than usual. The parties who were usually separated by Democrat and republican were mixed among each other. The overall mood was changed into a joining of America making sure that in the end America is one. Obama created a speech that spoke of the actions that will be accomplished to make America a better place. He spoke of the future and how together we can grow stronger and move forward. Obama believes we can make America better, but it will take time. Obama did not talk about the job market in the United States, which is a main problem today. Many hard working people of the United State have been put out of work for months and are struggling to find ways to make the money they once had. Obama should have addressed this issue more because the people in America should come first. Another important topic, education was discussed for improvement. Today many school are failing to keep up with the curriculum bring the young adults and students in America behind from the rest of the world. Other countries are growing in education and are taking the lead in many big business and technology aspects. Education is the most important thing a person can have and the fact the Americans are falling behind brings the country behind. American’s have the right to learn and should take ahold of it.