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Friday, April 29, 2011

Torture in Prisons #1

Article :Torture in US Prisons - by Stephen Lendman

Torture is expected from countries around the world because they do not have the just law system as America does. America is known for treating one another as equals, but in prison that is not the case. Throughout the years prisoners have been torture, harassed, and beaten. Some inmates have died from the brutal treatment in prisons. In March 2005 Deborah Davis reported on "America's Brutal Prisons"
 . She showed the horrors of the prisoners be tortured by shock cattle prods, burned by toxic chemicals,harmed by stun guns,beaten, stripped naked, and harassed throughout jail time. Their are several videos showing the prisons being brutally beaten by the guards and sexually harassed. The videos seen throughout America tell stories of the prison inmates being torture and some till death. It was said that the sounds are "unbearable" listening to the men scream in pain hoping someone would hear them. As the article describes a horrifying story,"In some tapes, sounds are as 'unbearable' as images, a Florida prison one showing an inmate lying on a hospital examination table, guards ordering him to get into a wheelchair. 'I can't, I can't,' he shouts. 'It hurts,' after which he's Tasered on both hips, screams, but still can't get into the wheelchair.Guards force him into it, bend his legs painfully, the man shrieking in agony. His lawyer said he's mentally impaired, has a back injury, can't walk, or bend his legs without intense pain. Yet guards try to make him stand and hold a walker. 'He falls on the floor, crying in agony.' He's Tasered again, lying there out of breath and energy, just moaning." (Torture in US Prisons)The stories from prisons all over the united states are endless. The hospital trips and death numbers keep growing. America is suppose to be a free country meaning free of judgement, harm, and religion. Torture is known in third world countries and underdeveloped areas around the world.America has lowered the standards of respect for one another giving America another reason for being behind countries that are prospering. Americans kicking other Americans in the head,tasering,inhaling chemicals,brutally beaten, and many other tortures way is sickening. We might as well be considered inhuman, underdeveloped, and barbarian. Americans who torture other Americans for a joke or entertainment should be put in prison a lot the side of those they tortured.