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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hate Speech

The article Hate speech and Campus speech codes talks about what the restrictions of Universities first amendement. The student's cannot stripped of their legal rights as they walk in the door. There needs to be a line between harrasment and jokes ,since certain groups become offended of others when actions are taken. In college many Sororities and Fraternities have themed parties and events usually immataing one "type" of person. These parties are condoning steorotypes and judgements of individuals without realizing how it can affect someone else. In the Wisconsin speech code case  a fraternity brought a picture of a black Fiji islander during a party. Another  fraternity hostested a party that was themed "slave auction" many students painted there face black immitating African American enterainers. The students are representing not only there fraternity or soroity ,but also the school. Many students of different race,relgion, or sex can be discourage to attend to the universities that have held offencive events. The students need to know their audence and understand that they are not the only ones who know about the parties. Being involved in a courtcase about discrimmination will be hard to fight and embaressing. If the court or University has a race or stearotype that would be involved the situation will only get worse and uncomfortable for the students. At the time of these parties the students don't realize how offensive their actions can be teaching a lesson will let not only them ,but others in the future aware of current problem of discrimination. The question is where does the line draw? Students keep getting offended. How can they find a way to keep the harrassment out ,yet not take away the students first amendment?