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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sept 11 Movie

On Sept 11, 2001 I was in 3rd Grade with Mrs. Hilbert. That morning seemed like every other morning I waited for my bus looking outside the window while nbc news was playing on the tv. My mom and dad started to panic and I didn't understand what the big deal was the news is filled with bad things. I realized that my family was in New York which was my dads side of the family. My mom shoved me off to the bus and sent me to school. That day the teachers were very quiet. Watching the video today made me realize the extent of what really happened on September 11. The footage shown was unbelievable. Many students around me were sniffiling through the video. From the first plane hitting listening to the narators that were every day people was amazing to hear their shock and how they handled it along with the people around them. The people of New York thought that damage was done after one plane ,but it wasn't out of no where the second plane hit the other building right in the center. By then the city was in shock and realized this was not an accident. With the second plane hitting right in the middle is devestating because the people on the upper floors had no chance of survival. The next terrifying moment was when the first tower fell. It felt like it was from a movie with all th smoke coming through the streets and the people running. Seeing people coughing and spitting because the dust has covered them was insane. Everyone coming together tring to find shelter helping one another was amazing. Watching the footage and seeing true act of kindness and compassion was amazing since New York is a fast moving place. By the end of the day I loved watching the voluteers donate blood and doctors coming out of the hospital asking people to come in and help. Everyone wantd to be a part of this because that was the only way New York would ever get back on its feet. After watching the footage I realized that the city is filled with business and workers who are dedicated to there jobs ,but when disaster hits the compassionate side of the people come out and help. We should see this side of people not only when tradgedy strikes but day to day.