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Monday, May 16, 2011

#5 The Help

Finishing up the book i realized that Skeeter did not accomplish any of her goals by writing this book. Her original plan was to help the maids find their voice in Society. She ended up making the maids life worse because they got in trouble by the houses they worked for. I wish the book did not abruptly end because I would like to know what happened to the maids after and what is going on with the families. Overall this book was great and I would recommend it to anyone because it teaches a lesson of respect and how times have changed about race. I still can't believe how this occurred in the South in the 1960s it wasn't that long ago. I am going to be at Ole Miss next year and will still be experiencing a southern culture shock learning about the truth behind the South and all the history!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

#4 The Help

Throughout this book I kept on thinking about how times have changed because the race line does not matter. In the 1960s people were unable to compare one another because race was a such an issue and people were being abused and shunned for the color of their skin. America has grown as a country, but I wish the growth would have pursued faster making better progress. In many countries around the world race still is an issues whites and blacks are looked at differently because of the history race has behind it. I am not saying history does not matter I am just trying to make it seem that race should not matter anymore because we are equals. As we have the first black president in America it is amazing to see how the country reacts and how the people of America show love or hate towards a black person. Having a black president hopefully has changed many peoples minds about race in America creating less hatred. In The Help Skeeter talks to many black people and does not have a problem with them, but she doesn't understand that they deserve better. She was raised a certain way so she has thought the same beliefs her whole life that they are less than her and they do certain things differently. Skeeter pursues her book and get an offer to move to New York and take it. She leaves the maids to continue their hardships instead of helping them prosper. Skeeter does not realize that what she is doing is wrong because she owes the maids a favor since they helped her making her book a big seller. Skeeter will never understand because the time area she grew up in and the household that raised her.

#3 The Help

Skeeter became a great attribute to get to know what the maids are feeling and how it is wrong to treat them with disrespect . Skeeter collected stories  from other maids to learn about the households they worked in. Since Skeeter lost her relationship with Constantine she was interested to find what happened to her and why they lost connection. Many of the mades she interviewed were not welcoming to Skeeter because she was an owner of a maid. They judged her for having one because it is a slap in the face towards them and they do not trust her. The help did not have the full trust with Skeeter because she was white and had a maid and the diffidence was clear that they were not suttle between each other. Trust began to grow once a young man stepped into the picture and then the maids decided to share their stories. there were 12 mades telling there life story with a young white women who once was an owner of a maid, it was risky.Each maid shared similarities between one another because they had to live in fear for most of their life since any day could be their last. One wrong move and they could be abused or left behind.  The dissidence between black and white was very strong and horrible.  

#2 The Help

Reading The Help gave me a new view on race because I was never able to learn the inside of how the maids feel. I highly recommend this book because I have learned so much about the environment of a housewife between a maid. The relationship is not only strange between the maids and housewives, but also between the children and maids. The maids are left at the house to do all the cleaning, cooking, and take care of the children. The maids are very close with the children and have a much stronger bond between one another. An example of this relationship is a child named Skeeter and Constantine the maid. Constantine began raising Skeeter when she was young and they became like mother and daughter the older and older Skeeter got. Skeeter went to college in the 1960s and then realized her relationship with Constantine was greater than the one with her mother. Skeeter wrote with Constantine more than her own mother, but once she was off after college she lost contact with her Constantine. Skeeter thought Constantine left and was starting to help a new family, but she wanted to know how she felt raising Skeeter. Skeeter put together a book of interviews from all the maids and began researching and realizing what the maids really thought of their work.Skeeter began to realize that her mother was not as important than Constantine, which has happened to many families. I think this is very upsetting because the value of a mother daughter relationship is extremely important, but maids are becoming the main care taker.

#1 The Help

I read The help by Kathryn Stockett which is about racism that took place during the present area.It tells the story about the treatment of blacks and how they were discriminated for the color of their skin. Being a different race was brought up a lot between the housewives in that town because they did not know whether their colored maids should use the bathrooms that were in the house.Many made their "help"  use the bathroom outside in the back of the house as if they were animals. One of the helpers named Minny had attitude towards the woman she worked for. Minny was never treated with respect or even as a person who had a voice in the house she was only there for helping around the house. Minny told her story through the way she thought people acted towards her. It was interesting because Minny was uneducated and effected the book because the perspective was one I would never expect. As I was learning about Minny's thoughts and as I was able to understand the treatment of her employers I learned a lot about help in a household. Minny was looking for a job she was recommended to work for a lady who just moved in. Her name was Celia and she did not know the way that most women treated their maids in the town, since she had never had one. Minny arrives to Celia's and she is offered something to drink and to relax and sit down. Minny was in shock when she heard that because she was never treated with respect. I was in shock to read how disrespectful the relationship is between a maid and housewife. Minnny shows Celia how the other women in the town treat blacks.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Video of Torture
