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Thursday, May 12, 2011

#1 The Help

I read The help by Kathryn Stockett which is about racism that took place during the present area.It tells the story about the treatment of blacks and how they were discriminated for the color of their skin. Being a different race was brought up a lot between the housewives in that town because they did not know whether their colored maids should use the bathrooms that were in the house.Many made their "help"  use the bathroom outside in the back of the house as if they were animals. One of the helpers named Minny had attitude towards the woman she worked for. Minny was never treated with respect or even as a person who had a voice in the house she was only there for helping around the house. Minny told her story through the way she thought people acted towards her. It was interesting because Minny was uneducated and effected the book because the perspective was one I would never expect. As I was learning about Minny's thoughts and as I was able to understand the treatment of her employers I learned a lot about help in a household. Minny was looking for a job she was recommended to work for a lady who just moved in. Her name was Celia and she did not know the way that most women treated their maids in the town, since she had never had one. Minny arrives to Celia's and she is offered something to drink and to relax and sit down. Minny was in shock when she heard that because she was never treated with respect. I was in shock to read how disrespectful the relationship is between a maid and housewife. Minnny shows Celia how the other women in the town treat blacks.