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Thursday, May 12, 2011

#4 The Help

Throughout this book I kept on thinking about how times have changed because the race line does not matter. In the 1960s people were unable to compare one another because race was a such an issue and people were being abused and shunned for the color of their skin. America has grown as a country, but I wish the growth would have pursued faster making better progress. In many countries around the world race still is an issues whites and blacks are looked at differently because of the history race has behind it. I am not saying history does not matter I am just trying to make it seem that race should not matter anymore because we are equals. As we have the first black president in America it is amazing to see how the country reacts and how the people of America show love or hate towards a black person. Having a black president hopefully has changed many peoples minds about race in America creating less hatred. In The Help Skeeter talks to many black people and does not have a problem with them, but she doesn't understand that they deserve better. She was raised a certain way so she has thought the same beliefs her whole life that they are less than her and they do certain things differently. Skeeter pursues her book and get an offer to move to New York and take it. She leaves the maids to continue their hardships instead of helping them prosper. Skeeter does not realize that what she is doing is wrong because she owes the maids a favor since they helped her making her book a big seller. Skeeter will never understand because the time area she grew up in and the household that raised her.