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Monday, January 10, 2011


After viewing each website I have mixed feeling of both opinions. First the methods of abortion like partial birth I believe in inhumane and cruel. In a partial birth, the doctor inserts scissors into the back of the baby's skull and widens the wound while inserting suctions into the head sucking out the brain. Reading about this method is extremely disturbing and horrifying to know that this happens in America.The other way I am torn is how other Americans treat the doctors and nurses performing these surgeries. There job is to protect the women that are choosing the best option for their baby. The stories of harassment and cruelty towards doctors is ridiculous.This website wants people to know that there are ways to avoid this problem. They encourage those that are sexually active to use a condom and for the women to take birth-control. Many of the young women and men in America do not have the knowledge and access to birth-control, but when these websites are advertised and talked about more abortion would be less relevant in America.

Clearly every young women has thought about becoming pregnant once they are sexually active.It is always a possibility. Many young women will say they will act one way if they become pregnant, but a young girl cannot make that decision without it happening to them. Either way every women should be protected and aware of the situation. I do think that the parents of a 17 year old and younger should be aware if their daughter is having an abortion. The young women is still a young adult and is legally unable to make their own decisions. If anything were to happen to a young lady and the parents were not aware of the medical procedure being done the doctors have no right to perform on a young lady who is not an adult. The parents should be aware of what is going on with  their daughter, but should not have the final say because in the end it is the girls body and soon to be mom that has the choice.

I strongly believe that the mother of the unborn baby should have the choice to tell the father, but should not be required to. In many situations of abortion, the mother and father are unprepared to have a child. Abortions usually involve young couples without a stable job and home. Being so, there is no reason for the father should not give consent for the abortion because everything is unstable until that baby is born from the mother. The father does not have the stress of caring the baby for 9 months.The father has no stable opinion and should be decided by the mother if she wants to inform the father of the baby.

Illinois has a law that states " The provisions of any abortion procedure that falls within a broad definition a felony, unless necessary to preserve the life of a woman endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, and no other medical procedure will suffice.” This means that Illinois was going to make abortions illegal to be performed on women. How could this be possibly to those women who have been raped and victimized by men that they do not love. How can Americans want babies to suffer because the mothers are unable to feed and clothe them. This law will hopefully never be enforced in Illinois because I strongly disagree with it.The next law that is enforced by Illinois is that tax payers should not have to pay for situations they were not put in and beliefs they do not support. I believe that there should always be other options for women and that if they need a loan it should be available to them. One abortion does not add up to supporting a child.