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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Pledged" #3

The sorority is getting ready to have there homecoming next week. This is a huge deal in the Greek Life community. Fraternities and Sororities have been getting ready for this week for the past month and preparing for festivities.Before homecoming week the Fraternities must serenade the sororities by doing a song and dance. They also bring gifts to each sister of the house they have serenaded. The reason why they are going out of there way to the sororities is to be chosen by them to go to the formal. The sisters of Alpha Rho have options they can choose from to decide what fraternity they want to go with. The President has to decide who they are going with,but the house is up in arms. The sisters of the house are debating between Omega Phi, Zeta Sigma,  and Delta Lambda.Fraternities sing vulgar songs to the sisters in the house and the more inappropriate the fraternity has a better chance even the girls sing songs back, "I wear my pink pajamas in the summer when it's hot, and I wear my flannel nightie in the winter when it's not, but sometimes in the spring time and sometimes in the fall I just into the covers with nothing on at all. Don't you wish that you could be there ,don't you wish that you could be there,Don't you wish that you could be there, In the spring time and the fall, With nothing on at all, I'm sure we'd have a ball, With nothing at all." ( 42) Singing this to a fraternity house I think would be embarrassing and insulting. I would never want to be treated how these young women and men sing like. Amy, Sabrina, Caitlin, and Vicki are ready for homecoming week and prepared for the insane memories that will be formed.