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Monday, January 10, 2011

Tucson shooting

 The Tucson shooting has been on the news constantly for the past 2 days. CNN has repeated the 911 calls of the witnesses and update the statuses of the victims that are injured. The shooter was a young man who had been removed from school because his uneasy personality and his threatening behavior. Jared Lee the killer had been notorious for his cold behaviors and was repeatedly punished for his actions. Many of his class mate and teachers weren't surprised that he was the one who was shooting. My question is how could someone like this not be put into a mental hospital from before. He had been in multiple situations where he should have been admitted to a hospital. When the Court case begins his lawyer will most likely suggest he needs to be put away in a hospital where he can become sane. When the Case begins I can't wait to know the verdict of this horrible tragedy.