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Monday, January 10, 2011

Pledged # 1

When I first started reading "Pledged" I was extremely excited because I can't wait to go to college and join a soroity. I believe that Soroities and Fraternities are what makes colleges experiences more memorable. In the begining of the story it begins with the first day of a young hopeful girls on Bid Day at Southern Methodist University . It takes place in the month of August at State U , which is not are real school because the names and places have been changed for protection. The author Alexandra Robbins  describes the scene of the large room filled with hundreds of girls as overwhelming with emotion because in the next few minutes a young girls life will be changed forever by the Greek Letters and colors she represents.Alexandra follows four young girls for a whole year , which is amazing she is able to get this chance because these young girls are risking everything just to show the true life of a soroity girl and how hard and insane it truely is. Alexandra chose 4 girls that are well respected being 2 sophomores and two seniors, one being an officer. "Pledged" starts with the type of girls I expect to be in a soroity and the stories I thought I would hear. As it progresses there are drastic changes and events that I thought would be rumors.